Hadiri Interview Kerja Selepas 7 tahun

It was a tough decision to make a move. 
Our current situation at workplace unstable and unpredictable. 

Anytime will be close. 
That is what staff mind is if you ask me.

With change of management direction and economy not perform well so I can’t’ expect more.
Finally I made a decision to find a new job. It’s a tough decision.
After working in comfort zone in +-7 years J

Sending out my resume like crazy and looking for miracle even I know it’s’ hard to survive out there.
Just try my rezeki.

Hadiri Interview Kerja Selepas 7 tahun

Alhamdulillah I also did apply internal position and had the interview session yesterday.
My first formal interview after 7 years. 

Can you imagine??
How scared am I??

Interview is the first impression that will decide our next step.
Whether success or not it depend on how we perform in the interview.

I managed to record the whole session using my phone.
Of course using voice memo. 
Trust me when I said i felt want kick myself after listening back what I’m said during the interview.

I’m glad the panel are so kind and understand my level of nervousness.
Whatever it’s I’m thankful to Allah, any weaknesses in my first interview I promise to make an improvement during my second interview in Wednesday.

What to be improve? Later I will share tips that I got from youtube.

In Sha Allah.

Wish me luck for my second interview read first interview with external.